Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oh Crap!

"Junkung...... what is this?"

"Oh.....that, haha, um....whoa! don't open that....kana wo yele!..... wo mu buwo kabo kono le ti"

"Oh....Junkung, Junkung....haha."

Mumbala, one of the kids in my compound, almost opened a jar of my crap. I had to give a stool sample for what I suspected to be some sort of intestinal parasite. Probably Giardia. Look it up yourself. The symptoms have since waned, but it will come back to haunt me if it is indeed Giardia. I'm not sure exactly where I got it from; there are too many possibilities. But, what this means is that, at some point, I had eaten crap. Just thought that was noteworthy.



  1. After a little google research:

    Other risk factors include:

    * Exposure to a family member with giardiasis
    * Institutional (day care or nursing home) exposure
    * Unprotected anal sex


  2. Matt, you forgot to turn on your "should I type this" filter on didn't you? haha.

  3. It's my E-Tourette's flaring up again...

  4. I just realized that people are actually reading my blog.....haha. Awesome. So, Matt, it boils down to eating my crap, someone/thing else's crap....but UAS in Africa? Might be lucky to get only giardiasis.....

  5. Haha, I was hoping you were smarter than that, but I wanted you to have all the information. And yes, reading your blog and enjoying the random and usually funny stories.

  6. Stevo,

    Glad to see that things in Africa are doing well on some fronts, sad to see they are crappy on others...haha. Get you some Flagyl and you'll knock that pesky giardia right out!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Amy,

    Watch out! With a potty mouth like that you're next in line for giardia! (get it? Potty mouth...)
