Saturday, February 6, 2010


It's been awhile, so I'll put in a word or two just so folks know I'm still alive and well. It seems, in a short time, that I've already managed to accumulate nicknames here.

As you all know, my Gambian name that I was given at my naming ceremony was 'Junkung Camara'. Since then, I have changed my surname to that of my host family here at my permanent posting here in Farafenni. So make that 'Junkung Camara Ceesay'. (By the way, phonetically, in Mandinka, that sounds like 'Bathroom Camera Chicken')

It has been drawn to my attention that Junkung is the name of the Gambian president's father, which was James Junkung Jammeh. Around my compound, I hear 'James-Junkung-Jammeh, father of the president', or 'James, Junkung', or just simply 'James'. So make that 'James Junkung Camara Ceesay Jammeh'.

Here in West Africa, there is the custom of drinking chinese green tea, also known as 'attaya'. N lafita attaya min na. Attaya is consumed in small, hyperconcentrated quantities, super-saturated with sugar, while chatting under the mango tree. Receiving a serving of attaya is also jokingly known as receiving the blessing. My host brother is known as the 'Imam of Attaya'. So when I drink attaya, I am 'Blessed'. So make that 'Blessed James Junkung Camara Ceesay Jammeh, father of the president'.

We'll see what I end up with another year and a half.

--Blessed James Junkung Camara Ceesay Jammeh, father of the president